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Go Where the Jobs Are!

The U.S. economy changes faster than the New York Mets line-up , but there are sectors that seem to hold their own no matter what.  At the top of that list is the bar and restaurant business.  

In the last quarter, over 38,000 NEW JOBS were added. In case that stat doesn’t mean anything to you, let’s put it this way: job growth in the bar and restaurant Screen Shot 2013-06-13 at 2.49.59 PMbusiness was DOUBLE the rate of jobs in the rest of the economy.

There are lots of great reasons to become a bartender. It’s fun. You will definitely feel the love from happy customers. The money is awesome. But the fact that you have twice as good of a chance of having work may be the clincher.

The source of this data is the National Restaurant Association, the largest food trade organization in the world, representing over 500,000 restaurants in the U.S.   Restaurants and bars today employ 1 in 10 Americans.

If you haven’t gone through bartender training, it may just be the best career move you can make. But don’t take our word for it, click here to read the article.